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DL Corporate & Regulatory is committed to Energy Transition

Our firm is a member of the Pacte National pour la Transition Énergétique (National Pact for Energy Transition) and we are committed to minimising our carbon footprint and raising awareness among our teams of the things we can do to help the planet.

What are we doing to improve our carbon footprint?
We promote sustainable mobility and alternative methods of transport for home-to-work journeys (train, bike, public transport). In addition, we offer our teams the possibility of working from home and flexible working hours, actions that not only contribute to sustainable mobility but also improve work-life balance.

The firm is also working hard to minimise its waste. In 2013 we switched to a digital system for managing our documents and archives. Printing has since been reduced to a minimum, which has considerably reduced our paper waste. A recycling system is in place on our premises and we also provide reusable utensils and a dishwasher to limit the use of plastic in the office.

In terms of energy reduction, the firm is committed to reducing the energy expenditure of our premises, for example by preferring natural lighting and mechanical ventilation to electric lighting and air conditioning. Our teams are also aware of the importance of eco-digital practices.

We are convinced of the need to protect our planet on an individual and collective scale, and we are committed to maintaining our efforts to continue our energy transition.