Monaco MONEYVAL Evaluation Process and AML Training Blog Post

The MONEYVAL anti-money laundering (“AML”) evaluation process for Monaco has begun. On-site visits by representatives of the MONEYVAL Committee are scheduled for the end of 2021. The process will result…

Monaco placed under FATF’s grey list: what next? Blog Post

Following its evaluation process started in 2021, Monaco has been placed under reinforced scrutiny by the FATF which however acknowledged the significant progress and improvements made by the Principality of…

Life and Death of an Association in Monaco Blog Post

As for Monaco non-trading/civil companies, the conditions for the creation and control of associations in the Principality of Monaco may be tightened as a result of the recent Moneyval evaluation….

Monaco SCIs/SCPs to face stricter conditions Blog Post

Monaco non trading companies (SCPs for Sociétés Civiles Particulières or SCIs for Societes Civiles Immobilieres) are a favoured structuring vehicle for tax, confidentiality and succession reasons, they are used widely…

The Yacht Show world event in Monaco

Signature of a New Anti-Money Laundering Protocol Blog Post

On July 5th, a protocol was signed between the AMAF (Monaco Association for Financial Activities) and the SICCFIN – the Monaco AML Agency – to reassess SICCFIN’s audit methods (“missions…

New Monaco AML-CFT law finally adopted Blog Post

The new Monaco AML-CFT law has been adopted and published. The law  transposes the 4th UE directive on AML-CFT. It also addresses the issues raised by the Moneyval evaluation report…